Awakening the Goddess
Initiate Training Course
Level One – Salt
Remember ~ Reclaim ~ Rebirth
Remember WHO you are!
Reclaim your DIVINE Power!
Rebirth your new LIFE!
Our past & future selves align here…these are the times we knew would come.
This course is for both WOMEN & MEN. The energy of the Sacred Feminine is needed for balance in each gender, no matter what you may be in this lifetime! It is about Sacred Union.
Although this journey will be deep, it will also be JOYOUS. The Lady of Avalon is one of our guides and she requires much pleasure in ALL that she does. Beauty, fun, pleasure, love, passion and magic are foundations. Come immerse yourself in her waters.
This class will explore the traditions of the Goddess, Her union with the God energy and the Thread of Truth throughout time.