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1:1 Alchemical Support

Personalized and Private Sessions

Immerse Yourself Further in Your Awakening 

Uplevel your ascension with private and personalized work with Sarah Michelle Wergin

Healer * High Priestess * Teacher

Awakening Divine Union 1:1 Alchemical Support 

Virtual sessions

Open to receive what your heart and soul need. Let Sarah be your personal guide to transforming your life with the ancient tools, wisdom, and knowledge of Avalon, Ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria and beyond.

Customized Healing-Teaching-Oracle just for YOU including:

  • Spiritual Path Alignment: mentoring/coaching/guidance to assist you in finding your mission and living your purpose

  • Physical Body: harmonizing any imbalances

  • Mental Body: fine tuning and repatterning your thoughts 

  • Emotional Body: healing/clearing old traumas, wounds, and blockages

When you take the steps to begin this journey, you arrive at the shores of the waters of your soul.

With your initial session, you step onto the barge and join Sarah as you start the journey across the waters. Together with Sarah, you will part the mists and go beyond the veil to the Sacred Isle and enter the Sacred Temple for your awakening, healing, and regeneration…ALL will unfold uniquely for YOU.

As it was in ancient times, you will be entering the Sacred Temple (energetically) with Priestess Sarah and begin the inward journey of healing and transformation of your life. You will be cared for mind-body and spirit, as you go through deep levels of transformation with the daily support of a Priestess sitting and working with you side-by-side in sacred space from the Temple, each day. 

This level of devotion and dedication working hand in hand with your Priestess daily opens you to profound levels of magic and expansion.

You will spend 30, 90, or 180 days (each 30-day cycle works with a full cycle of the moon) together with Sarah (virtually), immersed in the healing sanctuary of this Alchemical “container” where your awakening process will blossom and unfold.

Each day, Sarah will work with you ethereally from her Temple, then virtually by Zoom once per week. 

You will be welcomed, supported, and cared for in this sanctuary beginning with your first session. Space will be held for you each day. Even though most of this work will be taking place virtually, YOU ARE on the isle and in temple with Sarah and present in this healing sanctuary. ALL WILL BE HAPPENING together in the beauty of wholeness.

Whether you are a beginner or advanced Seeker, this process offers you a deeper sense of connection and alignment to Living your Divine Purpose and Embodying your True Essence.


Sarah will be High Priestess & Sophia (Oracle) for you as the whole experience is highly personalized around what you need & where you are in your process.

Individual Private Sessions - $333

One hour 1:1 with Sarah via Zoom to go deep on a single issue, health concern, or energetic blockage.

Personalized Intensive Packages - $999+

Uplevel your vibration and welcome greater joy, abundance, and prosperity into your life


Intensive Packages:

  • SAVE $766


    • Initial 1-hour private Immersion (Virtual) to embark on the journey, assess your needs, and prepare you for the intensive. 

      You will complete a thorough questionnaire to help refine what your journey process needs to be, then you will be emailed guidelines and prep for the initial session, which will include discussion, meditation/ceremony and a reading for you.

    • Weekly 50-minute (3) private Immersion sessions with Sarah. These will include diving deep into your process and peeling back layers to reveal your Quintessence. Can include discussion time, readings, journeys, meditations, healings, teachings and guidance.

    • Weekly Personal Priestess Oracle Message of Divine guidance just for YOU sent your phone for you to work with that week.

    • Monthly Magic Ritual box filled with intentional/handmade magical tools to assist you each month, personally selected for you and your process. Can include an item for each of the 4 elements: FIRE-candle, AIR-Incense/smudge sticks/tea, EARTH-personal crystal, WATER-essential oils/flower essences. 

  • SAVE OVER $2,200

    • ALL Awakening Package offerings PLUS:

    • Copy of Sarah’s book Awaken: The Alchemy of Divine Union-Ancient Tools for Personal Empowerment.

    • Access to Temple Time: Sacred Circle monthly while you are in intensive.

  • SAVE OVER $4,400


    • ALL Sage Package offerings PLUS:

    • Download and all materials of Sacred OM Healing with Sound workshop

    • Download and all materials of 10 Tools for Wellness workshop

    • 10% off your place on the next Sacred England Pilgrimage!

*With these Sacred packages you will have the opportunity to participate in a 2-3-day in-person immersion retreat at the Avalonia Healing House, a sacred space created to provide respite, regeneration, healing, learning and receptivity. 

Registration & Payment Information

An application is required to sign-up for this personalized opportunity. Please contact Sarah for your application.

To register, all packages must be paid in full.

*If you deeply want to do a package but are not able to pay in full, please contact Sarah and explain your hardship. A special arrangement contract may be arranged.

Cancellation Policy:

Because of the nature of these programs and the time, effort, energy and care put into them, all payments are non-refundable.


  • Sarah is etherically/energetically working with you each day in Temple, on the areas you have put forward to transform. The weekly oracle guidance comes from the deep listening and work she is doing with you and your guides inside the Temple between your virtual appointments. Space is being held for you each day.

    The weekly virtual sessions 1:1 with Sarah are an unfolding of all the work being done in between, new layers uncovered and the areas of focus are adjusted as needed each week as your transformation happens.

  • It will all depend on how much effort you wish to put into it. There will be a questionnaire required before each weekly virtual meeting and then you will be given suggested tasks to do to support your process, but it will all be flexible and up to you the amount of time spent.

  • This is about your growth, healing, illumination, awakening. This is not a one-size fits all program. It is tailored to YOU. You will get the unique opportunity to get daily support, personalized guidance and powerful experiences!

  • When one steps onto their soul path, you can expect anything and everything to change! This is the path of the Great Work and on that path…there are NO guarantees save…finding your True Self.

 Interested in learning more or applying?

Contact me through the form below to schedule and payment will be made upon scheduling.