Living Union®
Adapt Training Course
Graduate Level – Mercury
Prerequisite: Remembering Alchemy®
Next course begins October 2022
Course is by Invitation Only.
Graduate level training offered by invitation to those desiring to continue their training in the world that lies beyond the veil. This training will assist the Priestess/Priest in fine tuning their vessel for work in the esoteric realm. This course leads the Priestess/Priest into living their unique offering of Divine Union in the world.
Sacred Runes and Tarot training
Sacred Rites ceremonies training
Awakening to the Tree of Life
Stabilizing your Co-Creation ability
Stabilizing the Crystalline Self within
Initiations into the Halls of Amenti
Creating your path of Living Union
Initiation Through the Tree of Life
and much more...
This is the training that Aligns you into your Embodiment.